Moderate Permeability Bio Retention Soil (S)
• Sustainable Urban Drainage Schemes (SuDS)
• Nature based SuDS Projects
• SuDS Bioretention Basins, Swales & Trenches
• Filter Media for Managing Surface Water
• Filter Media for Sustainable Urban Drainage Schemes (SuDS)
Our Moderate Permeability Bioretention Soil (S) sits in our range of SuDS Soils and has been designed for
nature based SuDS Bio-Retention projects that require a moderate permeability rate.
Laboratory testing confirms, our Moderate Permeability Bioretention Soil (S) is sufficiently permeable and
porous to allow water to be infiltrated, stored and drained through the soil to avoid surface waterlogging.
The levels of organic matter and nutrients is confirmed as acceptable for the specific end use of the soil; SuDS
Bioretention landscaping features, such as Bio Retention Basins, Swales and Trenches.
Moderate Permeability Bio Retention Soil (S) is tested by the UK’s leading Soil Science and Landscape Engineering Consultants, Tim O’Hare Associates
Moderate Permeability Bio Retention Soil (S) – Soil Report
• Scientifically verified
• Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: 93mm/hr
• Sufficiently permeable and porous to avoid waterlogging
• Appropriate water attenuation capacity
• Sufficient levels of organic matter & nutrients for end use
• Compaction resistant
• pH: 8.4
• Screened to 10mm
Availability: Bulk Bags and Loose